lunedì 7 dicembre 2009


Yesterday they have taken us in a new wonderful place!!!
It's a big big mountain close to France....
There were huge meadows.....snow......tons of beautiful tree.....we have run a lot....played a lot.....sniffed all around......
Everything was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here we are sharing with you our trip.....
COME WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a beautiful view......
It seems like the top of the world of our super friends ARMY OF 4,isn't it??!!!!!

YEPPYY!!!!!We're arrived and starting to sniff all around!!!!

Do you like here dear friends???
Do you want come with us next time???
We would love running here with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snow!!!!We love it!!!!!!!!!!!

That's life!!!!!!

Me and my special dad!!!!!

Me and my big bros!!!!!!!!!
We love the fresh sensation we can feel sitting on the snow......

Ehyyy......sweetyyyyyy......where are you going???
Wait me baby!!

Thanks bring us on the top of the mountain!!!!

Ehy PAco and MAya....snif with me!!!!!!! you want come here with us????

I have a special place close to me here very very fresh!!!!!

CU CU CU!!!!!!
Do you want to play hide and seek with me?????

AWWWW.......That's life!!!!

I love this place!!!!

A sweet close up for all my friends!!!

My daddy chewing a wood stick......

Sweet moments between Our dad and Milo....
Ehhmmmmm....look at Milo....
He has his stone in the always!!!!!

Me and dad looking the horizon together.....
saying goodbye to this wonderful place!!!!!!

We were thinking our trip was ended.....

A great fort we saw during our ride in a car......

We went to BARCELLONETTE!!!!!!!

Another great day as a tourists!!!!!!

When we saw all those delicious cakes.....
We started to drool on Mom's Camera!!!!

BArcellonette's Church.....

And The 3 Goldies Siblings.....the perfect tourists with dad!!!!!
After our walkie in Barcellonette....we come back home....

While My bros were tired.....
I wanted playing with mommy and my friends Mr. Fluffy!!!!
Ehyyyyy dear friends......Do you want play with me????

Sleep tigh sweet Maya........
Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

ME AND DAD......


29 commenti:

Cole ha detto...

What awesome pictures!!

And I loved "Dancing With Dad". Fantastic!

Two French Bulldogs ha detto...

What beautiful pictures! It looks pretty cold there. we love your Christmas header pictures
Benny & Lily

Thor and Jack ha detto...

Hi Paco, Milo, Maya, mom and dad!What wonderful trip you had! Those mountains with snow in the top are beautiful! Gorgeous pictures!
Fun videos dancing with Daddy!
You look so beautiful my friends!

Golden Daily Scoop ha detto...

Awwwww, looks like you all had a wonderful time!!! Those cakes made my mouth water!!!! I love dancing with my dad, too!!! Sweet dreams my dear Maya, you are sooo precious!!!! Have a wonderful week, thx for sharing all those pics!!!! Glad to see everyone is doing well!!!

lotsa licks,

The Army of Four ha detto...

Oh, WOWZERS! What a COOL adventure! And SNOW?!!? How exciting! That MONTE ARGENTERA is GORGEOUS! I think it really might BE the top of the world! How incredible!
We'd LOVE to go hiking with you - and play in the SNOW!!! The town looked like fun to explore, too! Did you get any of those beautiful CAKES!?!?
THanks for taking us with you!
Play bows,

Ms. ~K ha detto...

The mountains are beautiful but not as beautiful as you Goldens!
Dancing with Dad videos are soooo
Licks and Sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Valerie Cummings ha detto...

Oh what a beautiful trip you took! You live in such a beautiful place!!! And Maya LOVED dancing with daddy!!! Oh so cute!!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani

The Adventures of the LLB Gang ha detto...

What a beautiful mountain you went too!!

We also love playing tourist in our town!!!


ebby ha detto...

Wonderfull landscape, the blue sky, clear air to breath. Wonderfull life isn´t it?
Ebby waiting for snow ;-)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! ha detto...

Merdie and I SOOOOO wish we khould be there!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Sally ha detto...

What wonderful photos! D has promised to take me to Italy - maybe I can visit this place - it looks beautiful.

Love the dancing photos - Maya is getting so big - what a cutie!

Sally and Paddy

Yas ha detto...

Fantastic pics!!
Me wish me was there running in the snow!!
Thanks for sharing your day with us!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ ha detto...

Hi everybody,

Wow, what a wonderful adventure. It is beautiful there. You always have such great adventures.

Great dancing videos. Did you not want to dance Milo?

{{{huggies}}}...Mona and Mommy

Nika + PARKER ha detto...

Bellisimo!!! Wow those photos are great! You guys look like you had a wonderful time!

D.K. Wall ha detto...

Love the scenery - it is beautiful. We would love to go running there with all of you.

But not the dancing with dad (laughing!)

Angel Ginger Jasper ha detto...

What a beautiful post.. I love it all... I love all the pictures the videos... Especialy the dancing with dad.. Playing in the snow.. All fabulous and thank you for sharing......... Hugs GJ xxx

Love the Christmas Header... Beautiful xxxxx

Martha ha detto...

Can we come? We just love to go hikes up mountains - it was so pretty in the snow and the sunshine.
All we have in the UK is rain and more rain, mud and more mud.
We want to go to the pretty mountains with you and visit the top of the world.
Our mum liked seeing the pretty shops but we are not so keen on shopping.
Our mum is drooling now instead of us at the sight of those cakes!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Maxmom ha detto...

Hey there, Paco, Milo and Maya!!
Oh how we wish we could see snow like that!...and play in it too! Unfortunately that wish is unlikely here in South Africa.
Thank you for taking us on your looked really wonderful and you guys look very happy with your special Dad too.
Love all the pictures!!!...and OF COURSE....WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!

Gus, Louie and Callie ha detto...

Oh what a beautiful place. We do wish we could go with you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lorenza ha detto...

Sure you all had a pawesome time there!
And I love your videos Dancing with Dad!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ ha detto...

Wow, you get to go to such fantastic spots. We love your mountains - AND you have snow there!!! We would love to come there with you and run and chase and play. We cold only get one of the videos to play but dancing with Dad was very sweet.

Woos, TD and Phantom

Arran, Arthur and Mum ha detto...

Wowwweeee! What beautiful mountain! And snow! AND FUN! You always go such nice places I is jealous.
Oh! I love dancing, I thinks it the bestest fun!
~lickies, Ludo

Anya ha detto...

AMAZING adventure :-)

Fantastic Christmas look on your blog I have snow for you :

Its really winter ...... LOL
Its safe its from blogger and its easy :-)
Anya :-)

Augie and Ti's mom ha detto...

Wow! You doggies live the best life! Better than mine! LOL

Duke ha detto...

What awesome pictures! You guys sure do go to fabulous spots!
We loved your dancing with dad video!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Golden Samantha ha detto...

What a wonderful place in the mountains and snow!!! Yes of course we want to come with you! We still miss you all so much! Love the pix of you all in the town (and Marco's new face hair hehee!)! And how precious to see him dancing with your babies! (So sorry I've not emailed you back yet - oh dear - days fly by too fast and I'm not keeping up with comments on blogs very well!
We love you! Hugs xo
Sammie and Miche, Bill

How Sam Sees It ha detto...

What a wonderful day you had! I had to keep pushing Sam out of the way - he thinks Maya is very cute! We wish we could come play with you guys!


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ ha detto...

Beautiful piccies, that looks a wonderful place for a run around.

We loved how your dad picked up Maya in the dancing video....hehe

Holly & Zac

Glennis ha detto...

Great photos, the dogs just love the mountain and all its little adventures, but they probably enjoy dancing with dad just as much,