mercoledì 2 settembre 2009

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY....................


32 commenti:

Martha ha detto...

Aw, what a brilliant load of beautiful photos that need no words!
Just delightful!
Martha & Bailey xxx

Kenia Cris (Frodo, Tutti, Fred and Jack's mom) ha detto...

ciao amici!
Your pictures are amazing!!! I want to hug the three of you and never let go!!!! My boys would be really jealous, though. :/

You're just adorable and you make me want to have a goldie more and more each day!!

Kisses from Brazil!

Raising Addie ha detto...

OMD these pictures are soooo very sweet!

We LOVE love love the one where you are all smiling at the camera! It just melts our hearts!!

Maya you have the cutest bark!

AND you look sooo sweet snuggling with mom!!! That is our favorite thing too!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Cocorue ha detto...

hey guys, neat time to wake up and come over to feed my feesh.....come as the feesh needs their snacks and i wouldn't mind
gelato....strawberry/choc/mocha please and TQ


The WriggleButts ha detto...

Cute, cute, cute! We needed more of that. We just got word that Spice was put to sleep last night. :(


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella ha detto...

beyond cute - those pics are the cutest - your pups are awesome

Thanx again for all the support for Woodrow - hopefully the power of the paw will prevail - We are going to try and catch up on our bloggies today - but please be patient

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Kimba ha detto...

wooooohoooooo! what a happy family!

Sally ha detto...

Hi mates,
where is your water gone?????????
What happend with your pool??????
Did you destroy it????????
And why is your Momy covered?????
Is it cold??????
I miss you all, hope to see you soon again.

Nice wuuuh

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha ha detto...

We love looking at your pictures! You guys and girl are such clowns sometimes, very funny to look at.
Little Maya is so sweet!

Kissy face,
Sam & June

Sierra Rose ha detto...

Oh! Soooooo VERY cute!!!!
Love you guys!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose and her mom

Thoughts ha detto...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the puppy pile pictures. Maya is just too cute and the way Paco and Milo romp around with her is adorable!

Wags and licks and woofs to you all,
Benson and Gibson

Rosie ha detto...

Maya is growing so fast - she looks so big in that one pic! I love the 3 smiling faces photo!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ ha detto...

Words are never needed for such beauty!!! You all look so happy together. How sweet of Maya to snuggle with Mom for a nap. The pic in the pool with all three looking up is just beautiful!!! Keep the pics coming - we love all of you.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Ms. ~K ha detto...

One big, happy beautiful family
Hugs and rubs to all,
Kit and Crew

Cole ha detto...

I love the pictures of you and Maya cuddling on the couch! So sweet!!

The Army of Four ha detto...

Woo! What great pix, friends! I loved all of those action shots and the vid, but REALLY what I REALLY like are the pix of Maya cuddling with your mom. Do you boys get to sleep on top of her like that, too? I love being RIGHT on top of my mom - or at least touching her. I love my mom.

Farley's Mom ha detto...

Maya, you make us laugh, when you are flying through the background while your Dad and Uncle try to rest! There is nothing like a good snuggle with Mom after all that activity :)

Nika + PARKER ha detto...

little maya is so cute - full of playfullness, but also sooo cute to cuddle with!

Unknown ha detto...

Maya is getting bigger. I can tell. I love your pool. I would love to play in it with u.


Lorenza ha detto...

No words needed my friends!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Rick ha detto...

Wonderful pictures of a beautiful time. Maya is growing up too fast. Enjoy this time.Wish we could all have a day at the park together.

Sally ha detto...

What a wonderful bunch of photos! You guys are toooo cute! It is nice that you are all playing well together - Paddy would love to join in.

We also wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciated all your good vibes and wishes for our Paddy during his illness - it is friends that help support us and we love you for it. Thank you so much and we hope we might get to meet you soon.

Sally and Paddy

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings ha detto...


Maya is growing like a little weed!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Golden Samantha ha detto...

You all look soooo happy together!! Maya is really starting to look like Paco - she is so beautiful with such an inquisitive, sweet look on her face! Paco and Milo look as if they are so good to her! LOVE these great photos of all three!
Hugs xo

Rachel ha detto...

Bellisima... Maya is so funny!

Unknown ha detto...

Oh, those pictures of Maya sleeping with your Mommy are just wonderful! So sweet!! And I love the one of her jumping in the air on you two boys in the bed - ha! ha! Also the ones of you in the looks like you guys are having SUCH a good time together! Such a big happy family!!

By the way, did you guys see my post about my human's wedding anniversary? I thought I'd tell you because I think your Mommy likes to see those kind of photos! :-) The post is at:

Honey the Great Dane

Unknown ha detto...

Such sweet pictures! I love the ones of you sleeping with Maya. She is getting so big and is so beautiful already!

I can't wait to meet you too Simona! We will have such a wonderful time together!!

i ha detto...

Great pictures! You guys looked so happy there! Have a great weekend!

Nala & Robin ha detto...

What a fun Wednesday you had! Maya's growing soo fast! You're gonna a big big beautiful girl! :D

Dog By Nature ha detto...

Love the photos especially the pool ones!

Tee ha detto...

Maya, Paco and Milo!

We gots to give you a beeg hug. You're all so adorable. Maya is growing up way too fast!

There goes the bottom of your pool ... don't think you mama can fill it with water now ...

Licks and wags

The Dog Woods Pack

Piappies World ha detto...

Hi again, Paco, Milo and Maya,
Thank you for accepting our friendship! Weeeee We're so happy. Of course you can add us as we will add you too, if its ok with you as well.

Great photos and you guys truly have so much fun hanging out with your family.

We'll keep in touch. Thankies!

-Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet