The POWER OF PAWS have worked very very very well!!!!
MAX IS OK!!!!!
We're sooooooooooooooo happy.......
Our friends are very very very important for us......
we needed you dear friends!!!!
He is my other eyes that can see above
the clouds; my other ears that hear above
the winds. He is the part of me that can
reach out into the sea.
He has told me a thousand times over that
I am his reason for being: by the way he
rests against my leg; by the way he thumps
his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he
shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
(I think it makes him sick with worry when he
is not along to care for me.)
When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.
When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.
Without him, I am only another man. With him,
I am all-powerful.
He is loyalty itself.
He has taught me the meaning of devotion.
With him, I know a secret comfort and a
private peace. He has brought me understanding
where before I was ignorant.
His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against
my fears of dark and unknown things.
He has promised to wait for me...
henever...wherever--in case I need him.
And I expect I will--as I always have.

We received this super special award from our sweet princess COCO!!!!!
She's SUCH A LOVELY GIRL.....she's very very sweet.....and soooooooooooooo beautiful.....
Awwwwwwwwww.......we love her a lot!!!!!!
Thanks sweety.......you're very very important for us!!!!!!!!

MOM AND DAD gave us a wonderful day bringing us to the mountain to see the snow!!!!!
The first time for MAYA!!!!!!
OK.....it's me...MAYA!!!!!!
I want to tell you my super day on the snow!!!!!!

We're just arrived here......I was soooooooooooo excited......there were something very very strange under my paws.....I didn't understand what was.......
But was soooooooooooooo funny running on it!!!!

My bros was very very happy and me too!!!!!

I'm sniffing and testing this strange...white.....softy things.....

Ehyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bros.......what is this?????

Don't worried sis......it's a wonderful things called SNOW!!!
Rolling in it!!!!It's soooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!

And we found a little lake where we had a bath......
Mommy and dad had cold...but we're dogs....and we loved COLD Water!!!!

Me and my dad......he's sooooooooooo sweet with me.....he's taking good care of me!!!!

WOOWOWOOWOOOOO!!!!!What a beautiful things is SNOW!!!!
I love running on it!!!!

And My bros too!!!!!!!

Ehyyyyyyyyyyy dad....do you want play with me????

Is so funny playing with Milo!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....and there was a beautiful (and cold) river where we had another great bath!!!!!

I'm checking my bros!!!!!

And then......they convinced me to have a bath with them!!!

I can dig in the snow too!!!!OMDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm wet!!

Look at this funny face of my bros Milo!!!!

Ehmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......I'm not funny.....I'm occupied in running well!!!

the beautiful scenery.....

Synchronized Jumper!!!!


Milo found a stone in the snow too!!!!WAWWAWAWAAAAA!!!

Lovely moments between Milo and dad!!!!

My super handsome bros!!!

Awwwwwwwwww.....dad..........you're gorgeous!!!!!

And a great jumper!!!

This is me!!!!!!What do you think about my jump?????

I'm looking the horizon.....anfd thinking how lucky I am to be here!!!!

Mommy and Milo.....

Mommy and my dad.....

I and My dad....he's showing me what I can do with the snow!!!!

Like eating it!!!!!!WAWWAWAWAAAAAA!!!!

Sigh sigh sigh.....it's time to back home.......
It's been a great great day!!!!
Thanks mommy and dad for giving us such a wonderful day with you!!!!

Bye bye form us!!!!!!
And now...............USA (PART 3) AND SOME VIDEOS!!!!
39 commenti:
So beautiful
I didn't now there is all snow??
I love snow :-)
I can see you had all a wonderful time, and so many actionshots
We love it !!
Congratulations on your award :-)
Have a fantastic weekend
Kareltje =^.^=
Oh Simona... Marco... brings back absolutely wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing so much - we still miss our meeting in that very special place down there in 'San Diego! But those snow pictures are WONDERFUL!!! Also just love your new blog design! Very wintery - and the dogs look soooo happy in the snow (and even stream!) I'd have thought the water might even be too cold for them, but nooooooo! Love the picture of Milo with the rock he found! How funny, funny he is! Oh how we'd love to meet your babies! Have a good weekend and we love you so much! (Marco.. have you gone gliding lately? Is there a link we can watch?) And Simona... give those pups huge hugs and fur ruffles for us. Yes! We are so glad Max is getting better and better - just love your poem - so much in this blog!
Have a great weekend!
xo Sammie and Mum and Dad
Hi Friends...
What beautiful pictures. You guys look like you are having so much fun.
Benny & Lily
LOVE Your videos!!!!! LOVE part 3!!!!! And also seeing your babies in the snow!@! Milo was cracking me up sliding around just like a bear or something!!! I wish we were there!!!! Part 3 videos brought back the tears!!! We miss you so much!!!! Hugs JOey Kealani and Sis
What a simply fabulous post.. I was enthralled at the gorgeous photo's.. How much fun you had.. Simply wonderful.. The sweet Maya ... her first look at snow and her enjoyment and wonder.. I loved every one of the pictures.. I loved the video's and the poor fun and joy.. Thank you for showing us all these lovely pictures.. Hugs GJ xx
Wow! We're so happy for Max! And what lovely pix - looks like you guys had so much fun. I love the snow, too!
Paco Milo and Maya
Thank you fow that wondewful poem..I'm so happy that ouw fwiend Mazx is healing and getting stwongew!
We still need all youw pwayews fow little Snickews..she is fighting so hawd, but so not well...
I loved youw photos and videos such fun, such love, such bootiful scenes and gowgeous pictoowes of the thwee of you jumping wolling and playing in that gowgeous snow! Youw pawents awe the most wondewful!
I hope youw weekend stays pawfect
smoochie kisses
Oh, you are sooooooooo lucky to have that snow to run and play and roll all around in - we have none yet. We will let you have fun in the cold water - we just want the snow. That pic of the synchronized jumpers is excellent!!!!
Thanks for sharing your very fun day.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh my, what amazing photos of everyone in the snow!!! Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the video very much!
Elizabeth & Luna
I'm so furry happy woo got to see it fur the furst time!
Mom is all leaky eyed after seeing evFURRYthing!
Such beaWOOty!
Hi, friends!
All those snowy pictures are beautiful but I guess it is very cold for me!
And you were swimming too! Brrrrr...
I hope you are having a pawesome weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Hey there guys
Yes, the power of the paw certainly has worked! Thank you all for your prayers and constant messages of support. We love you a lot too. That poem is really beautiful and so too are your snow pictures. If only we were there to frolick in the snow with you. Thank you again - TO YOU AND EVERYONE OUT THERE, so much, for all you do for us. We love you!!!
Oh Wow - that is some snow!!! You all look like you're having so much fun! It's funny, my human says she always thinks of Italy as sunny and hot - not cold and snowy!!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. Oh - forgot to say, we LOVED watching Part 3!!
your side is full of action and colour, I love it.Have signed your guestbook, but can´t find it again. Will put you to blogwatch.
Greetings from the baltic sea northgermany, yours Briard Ebby
Hello again,
sooooo maaany beautiful pix!
Snow is always fantastic, isn't it?!!! All doggies love SNOW!
Tailwags and Licks
Gizmo and mum
You lucky guys!!! I thought I had it good, until I watched this slideshow. What a great family!
Wow! You sure had tons of fun playing in the snow! Love your pictures!
Oh what beautiful pictures. We sure wish we were there to play with you in the snow. We don't get that stuff here and if we do it is gone in hours..
Love the new Top picture...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Please send us some...
Kisses for all!
Hiiiiiiiii! Great time in the snow and icy waters... Would love to play in the snow!
Loved the video photos. What a wonderful trip! Miche talks about it all the time on our little walkies. Simona, hope you are feeling better!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! How beautiful it is! You guys are so lucky!
We LOVED all of the videos!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Soooo beautiful, and you are all so brave to get in the cold water!
Sweet Kind fwiends,
Paco, milo and Maya,
Thank you fow youw thoughts and pwayews..Snickews still made a miwacle..she bwought us all closew. The powew of love did NOT fail..and she had a few mowe days wif hew family. She will always stay in my heawt..one of my fiwst and best fwiends.
someday we will all be playing like you do in youw bootiful mountains..when we awe all ovew the bwidge, we will be weunited.
Stay safe and know I love you
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Brilliant post! Sooo beautiful! I've never seen snow, thanks so much for sharing this! It makes me feel as though i'm there!! Sure looks like FUN FUN FUN!!!
What wonderful pictures of everyone playing in the snow!!!
We are so happy that Max is better too!!
beautiful pics guys......i've never seen snow ( mumster showed me shaven ice and told me to imagine ha....)
TQ for your concern and lovely messages and isn't it great that Max is fine....i'm so happy
X chikisses
Those were some beautiful photos of you all playin' in the snow. We will get lots of it, but not just yet! Your videos are always fun to watch too!!!!
Boy oh Boy - after checkin' out all your fun I can't wait for snow. Nobody knows if I even know what it is...but it sure looks like a great time - specially cuddlin' with the peeps.
WOW!!!!! Oh, what a BEAUTIFUL post!!! I love your poem and oh, OH, how I love seeing you play in the SNOW!!! Can I come over and play with you!?!? It's still warm here! :( Please!?? I would love to run and run and play with you!!!
Your pictures are so wonderful - they look like they should be in a calendar!
Thank you for such a lovely post, sweet friends!
Woof! WOW It's snowing already. LOVE your photos ... your synchronized jumper and your blog header. I can't wait to play in the snow. Lots of Golden Woofs,Sugar
Aww! We love your new header picture. Your whole blog layout, actually. And it brought a welcome smile to our face and wags to our tail to see you enjoying the snow.
We love you,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
We love your poem - and the snow pictures. We don't think we could go in the cold water and then play in the snow - BRRRR!!
Your new header is fantastic.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
We're rushing around right now, pasting the same comment into your blog as several others, to say 1) check our blog - we've got a (relatively) new award for you, and 2) we'll be back later. We are determined to catch up this week!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Brrrr....we're getting chilly looking at you guys having such a great time in the snow!! Looks like you had a wonderful day and the pups look so happy. Bet there was some snuggling to get warm once you got home:)
much love,
M, S & Kona
How did we miss this post!!! We are sooooo sorry - it is absolutely fantastic! We adore the new background which perfectly matches your beautiful fun filled snow pictures.
You are three of the most beautiful dogs in the world with loving humans!!!
We liked the slideshow of the trip to USA too - how great to have lovely goldens there too.
You are blessed - lovely happy music on the slideshow - loved it!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxxxxxxxxx
I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Okay, so you may be European but so's our mother. We still ask her to cook turkey, european style yummmm
wow that is a pawsome bunch of snow!!!great photos!
what a great trip you guys had! I´ve never been in the snow...but Sara told me that this year we would go to the mountains! so we´ll see!
PS - sara whant´s to say that we´re sorry we haven´t been around lately! but i´ve manage to read every post you guys had! :D
we love you!
pu and Sara
Hey Guys,
We want to go to the mountains with you! We have to do it! It looks like a lot of fun!
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