mercoledì 3 marzo 2010

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!

We had wonderful time with our humans....and mommy knee is doing a little better....
she's still feeling pain but not too much.....
We'll continue to take care of her until she will be ok again!!!!!
Thank you for all your lovely comments and words for our mommy!!!!!
She is been sooooooooooooooo happy feeling all of you close to her!!!!!

We had wonderful time even if weather isn't been soooooooooooo good.....
we got lots of rain and cold and hail.....and only one sunny day....
COME WITH US GUYS.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could help you with the baggages if you want!!!!!

I'm readyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee......can we go??????
I'm waiting youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

After 4 hours driving our car......
here we are in our house in Tuscany!!!!!!!!

We're cheking the grass all around the house.....
We had tons of greens where running and sniffing and rolling!!!!

Milo and dad walking through the vineyards!!!!

Paco Jr. and his humans are arrived!!!!!!!

Milo is giving his special greeting to Paco Jr. Mommy!!!!!!

Us and mommy.....

And after playing a lot.....running....sniffing....jumping....
our sis was very very tired.....
So PAco Jr. and our dad took great care of her!!!!

Ant it's been soooooooooooooooo exciting!!!!!!!

Here is a collage about the marvellous church of

Santa Croce's catacombs.....'s such a spiritual place dear friends.....
So many special people are tombed here.....
And we told a special prayer for all of you!!!!!!!!!!!

The Court square.....

We were walking for three hours.....
So dad gave us fresh water.....
Thanks dad!!!!!!!!!!!

When we were in Signoria Square......
Tons of little humans wanted to take a photo with us!!!!!!
We felt like a star!!!!!!!!
And those children told us we have been the best thing they saw in Florence!!!!!!!!
OOOPPPPSSSSSS......we think their teachers weren't very much agree with them!!!!!

Our family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ehy dear friends......
Are you thinking this is a big statue????
He was a real real man!!!!

A wonderful bridge built on thr Florence's river!!!

Me and Paco Jr and his mommy looking that strange thing called Carousel in

Santa Croce and the Wonderful
Florence's Cathedral!!!!!!!!!!!

We and mommy.................

As you know...Paco is Paco....and he couldn't loose the opportunity to get tons of belly rubs from mommy in Florence too!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Statue of David di Michelangelo built in Piazzale Michelangelo

And a marvellous view of Florence by night......

It's time to take a nap....
Ehmmmmmm....if you look very very well youy could see our sis sleeping on Milo's butt!!!!!
She's still a puppie.......and she needs us!!!!!!

WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! patient with us......
We'll try to read all your blog quickly!!!!!!!!!!
BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

45 commenti:

golden ha detto...

Siete fantastici!!!!!!!
Avete fatto davvero una bella vacanzetta!!!!!


Homer ha detto...

These pictures are booti-ful! Ma ma mia! Bellisimo!!!!! Mi piace!!!

We should arrange TOGETHER for a trip to Rome, to the Vatican City to see Pope Benedict! Shall we???

Oskar ha detto...

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful trip with us. We love to see all of you!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie ha detto...

Yippee you're back and brought tons of wonderful photos with you!! We loved the tour of Florence. The buildings are spectacular and the scenery. Wowzer! That street guy/statue was pretty weird though. Do people leave him tips in the can? Your got to play with Paco,Jr and run on the land of your vinyard. How lucky you are! Hope you didn't wear out your poor mommy's knee with all that sight seeing. Looked like so much fun. Welcome back home!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie ha detto...

Yippee you're back and brought tons of wonderful photos with you!! We loved the tour of Florence. The buildings are spectacular and the scenery. Wowzer! That street guy/statue was pretty weird though. Do people leave him tips in the can? Your got to play with Paco,Jr and run on the land of your vinyard. How lucky you are! Hope you didn't wear out your poor mommy's knee with all that sight seeing. Looked like so much fun. Welcome back home!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Yas ha detto...

Hi Friends!! Welcome back!!
Wow!! What beautiful sceneries! Thank you for that luvly tour, it's very informative and enjoyable and sure looks like all of you had tons of good times!!
Glad to hear your mommy's recovering and that you're all taking care of her! Rest rest and get very well soon!!

Maxx and mommy

Two French Bulldogs ha detto... guys sure look like you had a fun time. mom said she can't wait to visit Italy one day since grandma was from Sicily. We love the header
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ ha detto...

Welcome home, dear friends. What a great trip you had!!! And Mommy, did you walk all those hours on that bad knee or did you get to ride? We have missed all of you but are so happy you had a good time away. We were happy to see you visited with Homer too. More fun:)

Take your time and relax, get settled back in, and the blogs will all still be there.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! ha detto...

What a GReat time woo had!

The last pikh with sleepy sleepy Maya is soooooo khute!

Welkhome Bakhk!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

The Musketeers ha detto...

Welcome back bros ! & Sis !
Wowwowowowow ! Looks like you guys have lots of fun ! How I wish Roy & I were there too. BOL !

Ben ha detto...

Most exciting to see your travels in Italy. I am sending the peeps there in October - now i know what they will be seeing.

Hi! I'm Sierra-Dog! ha detto...

You're back! We missed you! What an amazing vacation. We are so glad that you were all able to be together and have some adventures. Thanks for sharing them all with us! It's like we were on vacation too! =)

Sierra dog and the peeps

Sally ha detto...

We are so jealous!!! My D keeps promising me a trip to Italy! But she always goes on her own - how unfair! Florence looks beautiful!

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Sara Alves ha detto...

Ohhhh Wow !!!
you had a wonderful trip! :D
we love the pictures!
were so happy that you got to visit Florence with your humans :)
big licks

Mango the Maltese kiddo ha detto...

Wonderful trips.
Please keep posting pictures, I love to look at all. Your car is huge, I wish I were in there traveling with you.
Gosh, I've been absent too long, I'm bad but I'm back!
I miss you so much, I want to promise that I visit your blog at least once a week and blog more frequently.
I'll come back to see you soon.
(You don't notice that I have been out a long while, do you? (choking back tears! sob sob!)
Love ya lots!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang ha detto...

Welcome Home!!!!!!!


the magic sleigh ha detto...

Wooooos! More, more, more pictures please! Fabulous local, stunning photos, leaves us breathless for more! Thank woo fur sharing that awesome trip!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha ha detto...

Nice nice nice! We are glad that you guys are back!!! We missed you very much!
Tuscany? That's where mom would like to go someday. Maybe when she gets a chance to go there, she can go meet you guys. :)

Sam & June

Rachel ha detto...

So glad your Mommy is better. I LOVED your photos of Florence!

Unknown ha detto...

Welcome back! I don't know what to comment on. Such a busy and great post. There was the statue that wasn't a statue, the fabulous family portraits, the incredible Church of Santa Croce... ;)

The Army of Four ha detto...

What BEAUTIFUL photos! And what a great ADVENTURE!!!! You must have had SO much FUN! I would have loved seeing all those little bipeds! I love children!!!
We've missed you!!!

Anya ha detto...

We are sooooooo Happy that you are back :-)
We have missing you very much but we can see you had a FANTASTIC vacation !!!
Beautiful shots thanks for sharing.


Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao - Paco, Milo & Maya! What a wonderful, wonderful post! My humans just LOVES to visit your blog because everytime she sees your beautiful pictures, she thinks of her wonderful holidays in Italy when she and Paul were still living in the UK. Their favourite was Tuscany and they were there too on the Ponte Vecchio and queued for HOURS to get in to see Michaelangelo's David and had really delicious strawberries & hot liquid chocolate in a cafe - it was so beautiful and romantic! ;-)

You look like you had a great time with Paco Jr. I love your new header picture of the whole family - it is just gorgeous - and most gorgeous of all is your Mommy's smile - she could light up any room! Hsin-Yi always smiles and feels better when she sees your Mommy's wonderful "joie de vivre"!

Honey the Great Dane

Life With Dogs ha detto...

It is great to have you back! Now did I read that correctly? You have a house in Tuscany? You are so very lucky!

Dandy Duke ha detto...

Wow! What a fun trip you had! The pictures are just beautiful! You sure did see a lot of churches!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza ha detto...

Sure you all had an amazing trip!
All those pictures are great!
Florence sure is a beautiful place!
Kisses and hugs

Martha ha detto...

Welcome back - we missed you all and it is so lovely to see all your pictures.
We love them all - the countryside of Tuscany and the beauty of Florence.
Our mum was there in May 2008 as our oldest human brother got married in Certaldo.
our parents stayed in a hotel that was just a short walk from Ponte Vecchio!
So you see why she loved your post so much - it brought back lots of happy family memories.
They would love to go visit again although we would probably not like to travel so far.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Unknown ha detto...

Your pictures from Florence are wonderful! It makes me want to visit with you even more!! It was so nice to see you all together and with smiles on your faces.

We love you all!

Joy ha detto...

Wow, wunderfull buildings, wunderfull photos! Florence looks very special. Thank you vor sharing your Trip with us!!!!! We love to enjoy your blog - ist every a little trip vor us, too :-))
We think the most beautifull photo is that on the top auf your blog. Your Familie, we love it!!!!!!
Big kisses from meeeeee
WauWau Joy

Anonimo ha detto...

Wooo and Come Stai! Hey there new friends! We wanted to thank you for stopping by our blog to wish Sitka a healthy recovery! Hope to learn more about you all!
Meows, Hugs, and Puppy Woos,
Tia, Sitka, and Cornelia Marie

Anonimo ha detto...

P.S. Those photos were beautiful! Looks like you all had a great time!

1000 Goldens ha detto...

You have such a beautiful country. We are glad you had a nice trip and hope Mom continues to mend. The picture of Maya all snuggled up was so sweet :)

Golden Daily Scoop ha detto...

Wow, your pics from Florence are breath taking!!!! You must have had sooo much fun with all that attention. Love the pics of all the snuggling with mom!!! BOL!!!! And yes, mommy does deliver to Italy and every country!!!! Glad you like them, putting you in the drawing, good luck...hope you win!!!!! :)

lotsa licks,

Golden Woofs! SUGAR ha detto...

Woof! Woof! Welcome back. Another great FUN trip. Now mom wants to go to Tuscany and Florence. LOVELY ...thanks for sharing the photos. It is so cool that Paco got to see Mommy. Looking forward to seeing more on your next post. MUAHHHH!!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Valerie Cummings ha detto...

Sorry we havent been on your blog for a while. We are battling an ear infection!!! Your trip looks amazing!!!! I like the big pictures!!! What beautiful places you get to go to!!! If only we could be there!!!
Our mommy misses you so much and Kealani misses Marco!! Sending you big sloppy kisses! Love Joey and Kealani

Scottie the 'Cutie' ha detto...

Omigosh! That is SUCH a swell trip to Tuscany that your family had! Thanks so much for sharing the great photos with us!! I missed you loads too...*grins* I so wish I could go to the great all looked like you had SOOO much fun! *grins*

Hope you have a great weekend too, and give your Mom a big kiss from me too! Heh!


ebby ha detto...

my daddy is photographer and love this photos from the city. Well done he sad. Wonderfull and interessting old buildings in italy. Historical area. Ebby

Thor and Jack ha detto...

What a great adventure you had! You all look so happy!
Beautiful pictures!

How Sam Sees It ha detto...

Wow! Those pictures are fantastic! It looks like you had a wonderful trip. We are so glad to hear that your Momma's knee is doing better - we have been worried about her!


Cocorue ha detto...

TQ tQ tQ for the wonderful pics.....mum says she was an Italian in her previous life as she looooooooooooooves Italy and esp Florence

thanks for sharing and for making my mummy happy

i have an award for you

your new friend

Dino and Family ha detto...

Oh My goodness! I love your new wallpaper! Sorry I have missed so much of your adventures! What a wonderful trip for your whole family! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful pics. Wish I was there! Definitely looking forward to your next part! Love always, Dino

Amber and Nala ha detto...

We are glad you are back and what a time you had! Oh, how that makes my Mom want to come visit you and your beautiful country even more! So many wonderful things to see and that is so cute how the school kids said you were the best thing they saw....hehehe! Of course! That was a nice family picture too.


Maxmom ha detto...

Hey there Simona and all the Goldens!
What absolutely wonderful pictures! I love that 'organ' in the church photos! It looks like you had an awesome time in Florence...what a beautiful place! The Goldens look like they had fun too...but then they always do!
I really hope your legs gets better soon. Sending lots and lots of love all the way from

Rick ha detto...

Wonderful photos. You are quite the travelers. How lucky you are to live so close to such beautiful places. I know you like to ride.

Sierra Rose ha detto...

A most beautiful trip! All of your smiles! So glad everyfurbudy was able to go!! All the more special.
Can't wait for Part TWO!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose